This Is All You Need to Know about Mobile App Fraud
We’ve come a long way from the onset of the Internet in the nation. From desktops to laptops, from telephones to smartphones, from LANs to mobile internet, from browsers to applications, we’re on the cusp of the digital revolution. Long gone are days of internet activities done on computers, thanks to the smartphone revolution, the majority of people now use a mobile device to browse the internet.
To make consumer’s life easy, brands are now revolutionizing the digital game by converting and acquiring a new user base by providing them with a seamless experience on their hands via mobile applications.
This switch in trend has also triggered a major challenge- smartphones have now become a breeding ground for scammers to defraud marketers, brands, and customers alike. With the onset of the pandemic, people have moved online and fraudulent transactions on smartphone apps have gone four-fold in recent years.Read more