The Hidden Cost of Digital Advertising: Understanding and Defeating Ad Fraud
Considering that Ad Fraud will cost marketers $ 172 billion by 2028, according to Statista Reports, tackling the fraud becomes crucial to safeguard advertising investments.
The digital advertising space is continuously in flux, opening new avenues through which businesses can reach their target audiences. These opportunities also bear the ever-growing threat of ad fraud as one of the biggest challenges facing advertisers today.
Ad Fraud is omnipresent across Walled Gardens, direct buying platforms, affiliates, and programmatic channels. It brings a financial drain while weakening the efficiency of advertising campaigns.
The motive behind such an action most often aims at making money off ad revenue by showing invalid traffic for ads or making the advertiser think the ad is being viewed by real people, which causes ad spend waste and inaccurate performance metrics. To prevent this, it’s helpful to understand how ad fraud works, and the tactics fraudsters rely on.
Read more for Understanding and Defeating Ad Fraud.
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